Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Demo is totally cool.......

Demolition Day . . . . . . . . . . . This even included a server!

The components were very cool to play with..........

The many different kinds of RAM that they could gather together.........

Bring on the screwdrivers.............

Fridays are all about trying something new and demo is, and always will be, a highlight!
We had managed to save up a few computers that needed to be taken to pieces and the hard drives offered up for destruction (not ours). With our tools in hand, we sat waiting for the moment to arrive.
Many things were learned about the insides of a computer and what each component does.

Thanks to the students for their excitement and their love of pulling things to pieces. :)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Work, Work, Work, Fun, Fun, Fun

Hi Everyone

Friday was another exciting day of ICT. When listening to the daily notices, it said that ICT wasn't going to be on. It was a very sad moment because Miss Cording couldn't find a teacher to cover her class while she taught a very cool class like us. Luckily Mr Stewart offered to take her class. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!

3 of us went and did a video of the school for our Promotional Video. We forgot to put the video on time lapse. Unfortunately the laptop lid fell backwards so about two thirds of the way around we started to video the sky. It wasn't one of our best moments. I think we'll cut it out. But we did manage to speed the video up, getting it down from 17 minutes to 3 minutes.

While we were out the rest of the class went and planned out what we were going to do for the rest of the year. A small group entered the online entry form for Young Designers which is very stressful. Another lot have started on a Story Board Competition. They are really going for gold. It looks awesome. Matt and Hannah are working hard at the Mad Movie Challenge. It is starting to take shape as well. Miss Cording and Hannah also are making a film for the Fresh Moves Group. Most of us are also having a look at M.A.D.E.

So there is alot happening in ICT extention this year and it will definitely keep us busy. It is all great fun as well.

Next week we will be working on the promotional video.
